2012 holds the promise of unexpected surprises
In 2012, we should “expect the unexpected.”
How do I know that? Well, according to numerologists, 2012 is a number five year (this is based on the sum total of the numbers: 2+0+1+2=5). And the only thing one can predict in a number five year is that it is unpredictable.
Taking that into consideration, I decided to go out on a limb and make some of the most unpredictable predictions for 2012. And I’m starting with the most unexpected of all.
Prediction #1:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio will resign. Why? Because top Republican leaders on a state and national level will finally come to their senses and realize that failing to investigate more than 400 sex crimes looks bad for a party that’s supposedly “tough on crime.”
Sheriff Joe will know there is no way he will be reelected because the voters of Maricopa County will finally unite in their demand that tax dollars be used to put child rapists behind bars instead of being used to settle wrongful death and civil rights lawsuits.
Prediction #2:
Congress will pass comprehensive immigration reform. Why? Because global warming will bring about a bizarre weather event in Washington, D.C. whereby lightning will strike the Capitol building and legislators will be struck with the knowledge that they can no longer kick the can down the road and must actually tackle the problem once and for all.
An even more bizarre weather occurrence will cause flooding that forces legislators to remain locked in the Capitol, without access to lobbyists. They will use their time to work with others, even ones in opposing parties, and come up with a solution that listens to the demands of the market, allowing a legal flow of migrants into the country while fixing a broken visa system.
Prediction #3:
Congress will decriminalize marijuana and allow for the regulated production and distribution of the drug. Why? Because legalizing marijuana and decriminalizing its possession will do more to secure the border than any other policy measure to date. As long as there is a demand for drugs, the cartels will oblige. Putting marijuana production and distribution into the hands of American citizens will result in the loss of millions of dollars for the drug cartels, hitting them where it hurts.
Putting drug abusers into treatment programs versus jails and prisons will result in a savings of millions of dollars in the criminal justice system. But most important of all, putting the emphasis on the need to “treat” addicts instead of simply incarcerate them, will change the focus in the war on drugs from a defensive stance to a preventative one.
Prediction #4:
Congress will reform the tax code. Why? Having seen what happens when flooding forces compromise in the halls of Congress, legislators will work together to come up with a simplified tax code, one that offers a win for both political parties. Tax rates will be lowered for all, and loopholes will be closed. Corporate taxes will fall drastically, but corporations won’t be allowed to deduct their way out of paying anything at all. Those who make money off of money (capital gains) will have to pay their fair share just like those who pay taxes off the money they earn from working.
All of this will help restore income mobility, curb the practice of businesses shipping jobs overseas, and greatly reduce the deficit.
Prediction #5:
Education will become America’s top priority. Why? Americans are competitive by nature, and if our test scores continue to flat-line, we will be increasingly reliant on other countries for money and talent.
Eventually, we will lose our status as the world’s super power, weakening our ability to influence policies across the globe and exposing us to the risk of becoming inconsequential. Americans want to succeed, both on a national and international stage, and our leaders will realize we cannot do so without major reforms to our educational system.
Some may think these are silly, pie-in-the-sky predictions that are about as likely to come true as peace on earth and goodwill toward man. But then again, why not reach for the sky? Why not be bold in our predictions?
A year ago, few of us could have predicted Russell Pearce would be recalled. A lot can happen in the course of a year.
As I sign off for 2011, I wish all of my readers a very happy and pleasantly unpredictable 2012!