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I was honored to be the very first keynote speaker at the annual Arizona Women’s Conference in 2011. Since then, I have shared my personal story and how I’ve learned to find purpose in tragedy with a wide variety of groups, including the YWCA Women’s Empowerment Speaker series, the ASU Seeking Justice in Arizona series, the Arizona Peace Officers Memorial service, and the National Charity League, among others.

I have also served as a moderator for various immigration and policing forums, including a two-part forum by Citizens for a Better Arizona on the impacts of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s abusive policing policies, as well as serving as a presenter on several immigration reform panels. In addition, I offer media training for political candidates and private-sector businesses.   

For more information or to make a request for speaking engagements, please click here.

 Julie’s Speaking Engagements and Presentations:

Seeking Justice in Arizona Series

Julie spoke at this series on social issues and policy change as the Executive Director of ProgressNow Arizona.

Shattered Lives Speech

Julie’s speech for the Arizona State Peace Officers Memorial Service in May 2010.

Citizens for a Better Arizona Forum

Julie moderated a panel series on the impact of Sheriff Arpaio's abusive policies and practices on local police, cities and victims.

Finding Purpose in Unexpected Places

Julie spoke on her experiences of self-growth after the death of her husband, Phoenix Police Officer Nick Erfle, for YWCA Maricopa County.